Get An Industrial Vacuum Forming Machine Quote Step 1 of 5 20% Choose Machine Model* BV C Class sheet size 24’’x 48’’ Vacuum forming machine BV C Class sheet size 48’’x 48’’ Vacuum forming machine BV C Class sheet size 48’’x 96’’ Vacuum forming machine Total $0.00 Add-onsVideo Overhead assist - 24’’x 48’’*24" Stroke Recommended for inverted tools, deep draw pockets. multiple tool forming, outer-pinch mechanism. +$2,200.00 Yes, add overhead assist No, do not add overhead assist Overhead assist - 48’’x 48’’*24" Stroke Recommended for inverted tools, deep draw pockets. multiple tool forming, outer-pinch mechanism. +$2,900.00 Yes, add overhead assist No, do not add overhead assist Overhead assist - 48’’x 96’’*24" Stroke Recommended for inverted tools, deep draw pockets. multiple tool forming, outer-pinch mechanism. +$3,900.00 Yes, add overhead assist No, do not add overhead assist Total $0.00 Video Roll Holder - 24’’x 48’’*All C-Class models are available with an optional roll holder and front slitting guide recommended for light guage plastics and height production projects, packaging, clam shells, blisters, trays and inserts. +$600.00 Yes, add roll holder No, do not add roll holder Roll Holder - 48’’x 48’’*All C-Class models are available with an optional roll holder and front slitting guide recommended for light guage plastics and height production projects, packaging, clam shells, blisters, trays and inserts. +$850.00 Yes, add roll holder No, do not add roll holder Roll Holder - 48’’x 96’’*All C-Class models are available with an optional roll holder and front slitting guide recommended for light guage plastics and height production projects, packaging, clam shells, blisters, trays and inserts. +$1,200.00 Yes, add roll holder No, do not add roll holder Total $0.00 Video PLC Heat Control - 24’’x 48’’*Touch screen interface 6 Zone heat control for multi zone variable heat control, +$2,850.00 Yes, add PLC heat control No, do not add PLC heat control PLC Heat Control - 48’’x 48’’*Touch screen interface 6 Zone heat control for multi zone variable heat control, +$3,200.00 Yes, add PLC heat control No, do not add PLC heat control PLC Heat Control - 48’’x 96’’*Touch screen interface 6 Zone heat control for multi zone variable heat control. + $3,500.00 Yes, add PLC heat control No, do not add PLC heat control Total $0.00 Name* First Last Company Name*Address*Phone*Email* Price Summary Description Qty Amount ($) {Choose Machine Model:36} 1 $ {Choose Machine Model:36:price} Overhead assist {Overhead assist - 24’’x 48’’:31}{Overhead assist - 48’’x 48’’:43}{Overhead assist - 48’’x 96’’:42} $ {Overhead assist - 24’’x 48’’:31:price}{Overhead assist - 48’’x 48’’:43:price}{Overhead assist - 48’’x 96’’:42:price} Roll Holder {Roll Holder - 24’’x 48’’:32}{Roll Holder - 48’’x 48’’:53}{Roll Holder - 48’’x 96’’:47} $ {Roll Holder - 24’’x 48’’:32:price}{Roll Holder - 48’’x 48’’:53:price}{Roll Holder - 48’’x 96’’:47:price} PLC Heat Control {PLC Heat Control - 24’’x 48’’:35}{PLC Heat Control - 48’’x 48’’:51}{PLC Heat Control - 48’’x 96’’:54} $ {PLC Heat Control - 24’’x 48’’:35:price}{PLC Heat Control - 48’’x 48’’:51:price}{PLC Heat Control - 48’’x 96’’:54:price} Total {Total:55} This field is hidden when viewing the formPartial Payment